These Herbal Teas Are Amazing for Periods

Curious about ayurvedic tea treatments to assist during that time of the month? Great, because there are plenty of natural remedies to aid in reducing dysmenorrhea, aka period pain or cramps, so you're not feeling blah during your period.

In this article, we are unpacking the top five teas that benefit menstrual cramps. The best part, you ask? None of them require anything special besides traditional kitchen basics – kettle, mug, spoon, maybe honey or lemon for added flavor, and of course, the tea itself.

If you're ready to get your Queen Elizabeth on with a spot of tea, let's take a look.

Herbal Teas For Cramps

The following herbal teas are ideal for period cramps:

  1. Ginger tea
  2. Cinnamon tea
  3. Chamomile tea
  4. Lemon balm tea
  5. Fenugreek tea
Ginger Tea

    It is incredibly effective in remedying menstrual cramps and bloating.  Believe it or not, ginger has shown to be equally effective as ibuprofen [1] Primarily because it contains anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving compounds. 

    Cinnamon Tea

    Cinnamon, of course, has a robust flavor but were you aware it can help relieve symptoms associated with one's flow? Yes, it's true! 

    Cinnamon tea has been noted to reduce the intensity factor associated with period cramps [2]. Additionally, it is highly regarded for managing nausea and vomiting, often associated with dysmenorrhea and flow volume [3]. So, yeah, sip away and carry on.

    Chamomile Tea

    Chamomile tea offers anti-spasmodic benefits, which can result in relief from period cramps [4, 5]. Also, because chamomile positively impacts neurotransmitters that affect one's mood, including dopamine and serotonin, it is viewed as effective for reducing depression-related symptoms [4]

    Lemon Balm Tea

    Also known as Melissa Officinalis, lemon balm is not just a bright, fragrant herb. For centuries it has been considered a highly effective anti-spasmodic and sedative. In addition, lemon balm effectively reduced the severity of period cramp pain [6].

    It should be no surprise that it is also the go-to herb for treating menstrual cramps.

    Fenugreek Tea

    Fenugreek tea for menstrual cramps may not be as well-known as other herbal preparations, but this doesn't make it any less effective. This tea is prepared using the seeds of fenugreek which is processed into powder form and has been shown to manage the uncomfortable symptoms of dysmenorrhea effectively. 

    Studies demonstrated that fenugreek not only helped with cramps but also reduced fatigue, headache, lack of energy, nausea, vomiting, and even fainting [7]. An overachiever when it comes to managing period symptoms; this is why fenugreek made our list.

    Final Verdict:

    Teas made from herbs are an effective way to manage symptoms associated with that time of the month. If you're on a path to a more natural way of managing your flow, consider incorporating these teas into your monthly regimen along with FLOH Wear ™ for a sustainable, simple, and effective way to manage your period.


    1. Comparison of effects of Ginger, mefenamic acid, and ibuprofen on pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea - PubMed (
    2. . The effect of Cinnamon on primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial - PubMed (
    1. The effect of cinnamon on menstrual bleeding and systemic symptoms with primary dysmenorrhea - PubMed (
    3. A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita L.) - PubMed (
    4. The Effect of Melissa Officinalis Extract on the Severity of Primary Dysmenorrhea - PMC (
    5. Effects of Fenugreek Seed on the Severity and Systemic Symptoms of Dysmenorrhea - PMC (