What You Must Know About Burnout + Its Impact On Menstrual Periods

Okay, so you likely knew this already, but burnout is real. What you may not know is how burnout negatively impacts your period.

In a study conducted by the National Institute of Health Researchers, it was discovered people who were experiencing stress before their period, early on in their cycle, were at higher risk for having more prominent or notable symptoms before and during their menstrual period including cramps, headache, etc. Conversely, those who reported less stress during their cycle had less severe symptoms.

Examples of burnout signs and symptoms include:

  • fatigue due to not sleeping well
  • difficulty concentrating
  • feeling irritable and snapping at others
  • headaches, etc. 
Infographic of Burnout

The above, although not an exhaustive list, can, of course, be disruptive. So, tackling stress head-on is essential in not feeling like you’re morphing into someone else and in reducing discomfort before and during periods.

Here are five things to aid in managing stress throughout the month.

  1. Do things that bring joy. No matter the activity, take time out to do something enjoyable. This not only improves the mood, but it releases endorphins, which make us feel good overall.
  2. Be intentional with sleep. Getting a sleep routine together will not only ensure you feel well-rested, but sleep also allows the body to repair itself and minimize stress hormones.
  3. Get physical. Physical activity, be it a brisk walk, throwing down in the gym with weights, or taking a group dance or Zumba class, is a fantastic way to keep stress in check and your heart health.
  4. Eat more fresh veggies and lean proteins. Diet is the holy grail for managing stress from the inside out. Highly processed foods tend to be full of refined sugars, trans-fats, etc., which can leave anyone feeling “blah” even on their best day.
  5.  Meditate. Meditation is a great way to ground ourselves and make us more mindful of the external environment’s impact on our bodies. Meditation allows us to slow down and be intentional with our thoughts, breathing, and approach to the day.